2016, Turkey, 29’38, Dir. Fatih Yürür, Turkish / English subtitles
“Cherkes” – Circassian – is a blanket term used in Turkey to refer to ethnic groups originating from the Caucasus. Collectively, Cherkes form one of the largest ethnic minorities in Turkey, with a population of around 2.5 million, most of whom are descendants of those forced into exile in 1864 by the Russian Empire. Compared to other ethnic and religious minorities, Cherkes have been able to maintain their cultural identity as well as their local languages without the same kind of conflicts that other minorities in Turkey have faced. For example, integration into “mainstream” society was never a question for Engin Ebjnou Ay, the repatriate at the center of Fatih Yürür’s documentary. So, what is it that compels Engin to leave his “homeland” in northwestern Turkey to return to his “motherland” in Abkhazia? Is it a longing to reconnect with the cultural roots of his grandparents, or to fulfill his dream of living closer to nature in a romanticized vision of “heaven on earth”? Avoiding any discussion of the complex history of the Caucasus, RePatriant steers clear of political drama to focus on Engin’s efforts to start a new life in an old land.