FFG 7076 Farmer webpic
The Farmer
FFG 7076 Farmer No afiş

2024, Türkiye, 25' ֍ Dir. Selin Aktaş
Turkish (English subtitles)

After graduating from university with degrees in both archeology and economics, Münevver Kepenek’s interest in animal husbandry and organic agriculture led her back to school, this time for a degree in Agricultural Technologies. Selin Aktaş’s documentary follows Kepenek's efforts to contribute to the economic and social empowerment of women in agriculture through the Eskişehir Women Farmers Association. Audience members will be inspired by Münevver Kepenek's determination and vision as they become acquainted with the details of projects supporting women's entrepreneurship and how they are leading to positive social change.

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FFG 7076 Selin Aktaş yön webpic

Selin Aktaş
received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Cinema and TV from Çukurova University in 2018 and Mersin University in 2023, respectively. After training as a camera operator under Portuguese director Gustavo Fonseca, Aktaş covered international sports events, including Super League, Champions League, UEFA, and Euro basketball matches. She currently works as an editor for Habitat TV. Aktaş’s earlier films "For Sale", "Hide and Seek" and "Suicide Watchman" have screened at international and national film festivals and received numerous awards.