2023, Türkiye, 20' ֍ Dir. Ömür Gürgen
Turkish (English subtitles)
Musa Agun is a master of the kemençe, a stringed instrument native to the Black Sea and Eastern Anatolia. Deeply devoted to his craft, Musa is facing difficulty in passing his knowledge down to future generations. Ömür Gürgen’s documentary shares with us Musa Usta's passion, his hopes for the future, and his call to other kemençe masters to work together to solve the “apprentice problem” and keep their art alive.

Ömür Gürgen was born in 1992 in the central Anatolian province of Tokat and at the age of 11 decided to become a film director. In 2013, Ömür began studying at Ege University Faculty of Communication’s Radio, Television and Cinema Department, simultaneously working as an assistant at Oğuz Yalçın's Sanat Atölyesi. He also began working as an assistant director in Istanbul, where he was involved in many films, commercials and tv series, including the drama Medcezir. Ömer’s short films Arayış and Kayıp Hazineler were featured in different festivals. Since 2016, he has been living in Istanbul, where he continues to work his way up the ladder towards directing starting from the lowest rung.