FFG7025 Quest for Midas webpic
Quest for Midas
FFG7025 Quest for Midas afiş

2023, Türkiye, 21' ֍ Dir. Kadir Uluç
Turkish (English subtitles)

The documentary film Quest for Midas takes audiences on a journey to the heart of the Ancient City of Gordion, which was inscribed in UNESCO’s World Heritage List last year. The film follows the efforts of the Gordion excavation team, led by Professor Dr. Brian Rose, to unearth the secrets of history. Director Kadir Uluç's film focuses on the details of both past activities and plans for the future. Uluç’s documentary lets us feel some of the love and passion that Brian Rose experienced from the beginning of his journey. Quest for Midas has been screened at various festivals in Turkey and abroad, including the Firenze Archeofilm Festival, Festival della Comunicazione e del Cinema Archeologico in Sicily, and the 34. Ankara International Film Festival. Uluç’s previous film, The Shepherds of Gordion, which also focused on the Phrygian Capital, was screened at Foça Film Days in 2023.

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Kadir Uluç was born in Diyarbakir in 1967. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Ankara University, Faculty of Communication, Radio and Television Department and a Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Planning at Ankara University’s Institute of Educational Sciences. In 2000, he started working at the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Educational Technologies, where he specialized in the production of distance education content. He worked as a director in the production of education, women's and children's programs prepared for TRT 2, TRT 3, GAP TV, TRT 4 television channels. In 2005,

Uluç spent six months in Okinawa, Japan on a JICA scholarship. After returning from Japan, Uluç became the coordinator of SGK TV, which is an internet television broadcaster, and in 2020, he founded his own production company, ULUÇ YAPIM, where he works as a producer and director. Kadir Uluç, who received a Producer Certificate from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2022 on behalf of Uluç Production, is a member of FIYAB (Film Producers' Association).