FFG7054 unbridled freedom webpic
Unbridled Freedom
FFG7054 Unbridled Freedom EN afiş

2023, Kirgizstan, 8' ֍ Dir. Meryem Şahin
Kirghiz (Turkish/English subtitles)

Set in the breathtaking nature of Kyrgyzstan, Unbridled Freedom tells the inspiring story of young Daniar. Known for his performances in the World Nomad Games, Daniar is a young man chasing big dreams. The documentary reveals the horses' graceful steps dancing with the wind and emphasizes Daniar's deep bond with these creatures. This story represents the story of Kyrgyz youth who have preserved their nomadic roots and heritage despite the rapidly changing conditions of the modern world. This documentary offers viewers the opportunity to connect emotionally by reflecting the story of an individual and the culture of a nation.

FFG7054 Meryem Şahin yön webpic