FFG7053 Village of POets webpic
In the Village of Poets
FFG7053 village of poets Not afiş

2023, UK, 20' ֍ Dir. Dan Frodsham
English/Turkish (Turkish/English subtitles)

Panagia tou Potamou is a small church located in Kazafani/Ozanköy on the outskirts of Pentadaktylos, Cyprus. This 16th-century church from the Venetian period is being restored thanks to efforts of local community members. This documentary reveals the centrality of this historic building at the heart of the village and the determination of the local community to preserve its cultural heritage. Their dedicated efforts over the past 50 years is ensuring that their village heritage is being preserved, despite the influence of political, ideological and religious divisions. Dan Frodsham’s film recognizes the passion and responsibility felt by two local members of the Turkish Cypriot community while documenting recent conservation efforts undertaken by an international team based out of Singapore.

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FFG7053 village of poets dan and mike yön webpic

Dan Frodsham
is an independent documentary-maker with a background in journalism and television. Over the last fifteen years, together with Prof. Michael J.K. Walsh, former head of the Department of Archaeology and Art History at Eastern Mediterranean University, Dan has made a series of films about the churches of Cyprus and their wall paintings. The films and the works they document have been supported over the years by Nanyang Technological University and the World Monuments Fund.